You Don’t Deserve To Live With Chronic Pain

The pain that is generated in the absence of an injury is just as real as the pain generated by an injury. However, it is a message trying to let you know there is an emotional problem you need to attend to, not a bodily problem. When that problem is tended to, the pain abates. I’ve seen this in my practice – clients with chronic pain or other ailments (IBS, anxiety, depression) surprised to notice how their pain/symptoms reduce as we work together to examine and clarify their emotional life. They notice that when they make decisions about their life that emotionally feel right, their body feels better.

If this intrigues you, you may be interested in watching this 20 minute video by Dr. Howard Schubiner, as he talks about this phenomenon and the possibility of healing pain and other disorders by resolving emotional issues: Click Here to Watch.

There are numerous studies that support Dr. Schubiner’s conclusion that emotional pain can cause physical pain, and that paying attention to emotions can help resolve physical pain. Both ISTDP and EMDR are time- and research-tested interventions that can help resolve physical symptoms.

If you have chronic pain, and are interested in learning more, you may want to read the following book: Unlearn Your Pain.

If you want the support of a therapist, you can contact me today by phone 805.975.8399, by text, or by e-mail to set up an appointment. As I am often full, a text or e-mail is easiest for me to respond to. If you are specifically interested in working on physical issues, please mention that.