Arroyo Grande
Couples Counseling

Stop the fighting and distance.  Get to a place where you feel in love and connected, no longer feeling alone or rejected.


Couples Counseling

Stop the fighting and distance.  Get to a place where you feel in love and connected, no longer feeling alone or rejected.

Feel Happier

Feel Heard

Feel Loved

Nobody Deserves Heartache or Feeling Alone!

It is not uncommon to feel abandoned, rejected, misunderstood, or other painful emotions in a distressed relationship. And often, it seems that no matter what you do, you can’t resolve the arguments or eliminate the distance. You may have started to feel hopeless and may be having thoughts like “I have to do it all by myself,” or “Why bother? My partner can’t be satisfied.” You may be thinking there is something hopelessly broken in you or your partner. You might feel it is shameful that you two can’t make it work.

Are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Lack of appreciation
  • Lack of understanding
  • Communication struggles
  • Unsatisfying sex
  • Feeling alone
  • Marital Infidelity

If you can relate to any of these statements, there’s hope. Millions of people have made changes in their lives through counselling. Come in person if you live in South San Luis Obispo County or meet me online via Zoom if you live anywhere in California!

Nobody Deserves Heartache or Feeling Alone!

It is not uncommon to feel abandoned, rejected, misunderstood, or other painful emotions in a distressed relationship. And often, it seems that no matter what you do, you can’t resolve the arguments or eliminate the distance. You may have started to feel hopeless and may be having thoughts like “I have to do it all by myself,” or “Why bother? My partner can’t be satisfied.” You may be thinking there is something hopelessly broken in you or your partner. You might feel it is shameful that you two can’t make it work.

Are you experiencing any of the following:

  • Lack of appreciation
  • Lack of understanding
  • Communication struggles
  • Unsatisfying sex
  • Feeling alone
  • Marital Infidelity

If you can relate to any of these statements, there’s hope. Millions of people have made changes in their lives through counselling. Come in person if you live in South San Luis Obispo County or meet me online via Zoom if you live anywhere in California!

A Certified Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist in the Five Cities Area!

Your Relationship is
Worth Investing In

You probably intuitively know that a better relationship makes for a better life. It’s true! Research indicates that those in happy relationships enjoy a number of benefits, such as better physical health, psychological well-being, and financial success. It is possible to deepen your sense of connection and safety in your relationship, leading to greater commitment and happiness. With my help, you too can experience those “aha moments” where change happens. Real shifts can happen between you and your partner, when you begin to see the relationship, your partner, and yourself in a whole new way.

Restore Your Relationship
In Four Easy Steps

Step 1

Get Clear

We’ll get clear on the relational problem that brings you to therapy. Having a clear and detailed working definition of your problem is an essential component that is too often missed.

Step 2

Get Focused

I will help you explore and will share my observations of what is happening in real time with the intent of helping you get to the bottom of your problems and helping you start to shift negative patterns.

Step 3

Get Joy

Our shared process will help you make decisions that lead to the desired changes you’ve been unable to make up until now and ultimately transform your life.

Step 4

Get On With Your Life

Independently handle your life, relationships, and feelings with the skills and tools you’ve developed in our work together.

Restore Your Relationship
For a Lifetime of Happiness

Meet Dr. Richardson

Dr. Katty Richardson is a licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 50027) and Professional Clinical Counselor (LPC 228) who recently moved her practice to Arroyo Grande, CA. Katty is certified in EFT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy) and specializes in working with couples as well as individuals to address anxiety, depression, panic attacks, eating/body-image issues, chronic pain, and trauma. She serves clients in the Five Cities area and also sees clients throughout California thanks to the recent advancements in TeleTherapy!

It’s Never Too Late to Reclaim Your Relationship

emotionally focused couple

EFT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy)

I chose to use Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) with my clients because of it’s proven research results and because it out-performs most other models of couples therapy:

  • The majority of couples improve with treatment.
  • Couples who complete EFT treatment do not relapse. Two years after ending therapy, couples who created a secure bond will still have it. In other words, you won’t need to return to couples therapy year after year. Most other forms of couple therapy can not make this claim.
  • EFT is the only couples treatment approach with over two decades of research to indicate both immediate AND long-lasting results.
Think it’s too good to be true? Read an unsolicited testimonial from a couple who has worked with me and EFT. And be assured that theirs is not the only success story. EFT really works!
  • EFT is one of the best documented, most substantive and well researched approaches to couple therapy.”  Alan S. Gurman, Ph.D., leading authority on the clinical practice of couple therapy.
  • EFT is “one of the few approaches to marital therapy that has been proven to be effective.” Jay Lebow, Ph.D., LMFT, ABPP, Past President, Division of Family Psychology, American Psychological Association.
  • The New York Times calls EFT “one of the most promising methods” of couples therapy.

I’ve reviewed the research and wholeheartedly agree with their conclusion. Click on the following link to learn more about EFT research.

How long EFT takes varies significantly from couple to couple. Some couples come in with a relatively strong bond (trust, love for each other) and have only one or two stuck places in their relationship. For these couples, short term treatment is generally sufficient (8-15 sessions). Other couples come in with major ruptures (e.g. an affair or other significant breach of trust), with one person ready to end the relationship, or with a very strong or long-standing negative pattern that has greatly eroded the trust and safety in the relationship. These couples will understandably take longer to recover, as re-building trust and safety takes time (30+ sessions). I will do my best to set your expectations for therapy realistically, and you are always welcome to ask about prognosis and treatment timeframe at any point during our work.

Uncertain if EFT is for you? I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have about EFT or couples counseling in general over the phone. To ask about my availability, you can text me (for the fastest response)e-mail me, or call me at 805-975-8399.

Schedule an appointment today. You can text me (for the fastest response)e-mail me, or call me at 805-975-8399. If you are unsure if EFT is right for you, I am more than happy to provide a free introductory consultation to answer any questions you might have about EFT or couples counseling in general. Find Me:  My office is in beautiful downtown Arroyo Grande, near the park.

Are you interested but not quite ready to make that call? If you’d like to learn more about EFT, check out my blog article that describes the EFT process. You also might find it informative to read Dr. Sue Johnson’s books “Love Sense” and “Hold Me Tight.” Dr. Johnson is the creator of EFT.

emotionally focused couple

EFT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy)

I chose to use Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) with my clients because of it’s proven research results and because it out-performs most other models of couples therapy.

Think it’s too good to be true? Read an unsolicited testimonial from a couple who has worked with me and EFT. And be assured that theirs is not the only success story. EFT really works!
  • EFT is one of the best documented, most substantive and well researched approaches to couple therapy.”  Alan S. Gurman, Ph.D., leading authority on the clinical practice of couple therapy.
  • EFT is “one of the few approaches to marital therapy that has been proven to be effective.” Jay Lebow, Ph.D., LMFT, ABPP, Past President, Division of Family Psychology, American Psychological Association.
  • The New York Times calls EFT “one of the most promising methods” of couples therapy.

I’ve reviewed the research and wholeheartedly agree with their conclusion. Click on the following link to learn more about EFT research.

How long EFT takes varies significantly from couple to couple. Some couples come in with a relatively strong bond (trust, love for each other) and have only one or two stuck places in their relationship. For these couples, short term treatment is generally sufficient (8-15 sessions). Other couples come in with major ruptures (e.g. an affair or other significant breach of trust), with one person ready to end the relationship, or with a very strong or long-standing negative pattern that has greatly eroded the trust and safety in the relationship. These couples will understandably take longer to recover, as re-building trust and safety takes time (30+ sessions). I will do my best to set your expectations for therapy realistically, and you are always welcome to ask about prognosis and treatment timeframe at any point during our work.

Uncertain if EFT is for you? I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have about EFT or couples counseling in general over the phone. To ask about my availability, you can text me (for the fastest response)e-mail me, or call me at 805-975-8399.

Schedule an appointment today. You can text me (for the fastest response)e-mail me, or call me at 805-975-8399. If you are unsure if EFT is right for you, I am more than happy to provide a free introductory consultation to answer any questions you might have about EFT or couples counseling in general. Find Me:  My office is in beautiful downtown Arroyo Grande, near the park.

Are you interested but not quite ready to make that call? If you’d like to learn more about EFT, check out my blog article that describes the EFT process. You also might find it informative to read Dr. Sue Johnson’s books “Love Sense” and “Hold Me Tight.” Dr. Johnson is the creator of EFT.


  • 350 Blue Sky Dr.
    Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
  • You can text me (for the fastest response) at 805-975-8399.

  • (805) 975-8399

Contact Me Today!

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