If you’re feeling upset (e.g., angry, scared, overwhelmed), a great way to center yourself is to reconnect with the present moment. Usually, what is going on right here and now isn’t too bad (and might even be good!). Here is a quick exercise that you might find helpful.

A tip to keep in mind: Your mind probably will drift back to whatever is upsetting you. That’s ok – consider it a chance to practice shifting your focus back to the now. Try this: Just notice (“Oh, my mind wandered.”) and come back (“Good, I caught the drift. Now, back to the moment.) If you’re not sure where you were when you drifted, you can just start at the beginning!

5-4-3-2-1 Exercise

Relax and take a few slow, deep belly breaths. To center yourself in to the moment, and in to your body/senses, try the following.

5 – See:

Notice 5 objects around you. Really look at them. Consider the shape, color, size, texture, and other characteristics. If your mind wanders, it’s ok. Just take a breath and come back to seeing and focusing on noticing what you see.

4 – Sound:

Now notice 4 sounds. You may want to close your eyes to help yourself focus. Initially, if you are in a quiet area, it may seem that there is nothing there.  Stay with your hearing, and you’ll begin to notice sounds, such as the hum of an air conditioner, the wheels of a car in the distance, or a bird chirping.

3 – Feeling/Touch:

Now notice 3 bodily sensations. Again, keeping your eyes closed might help. This might be the sense of the chair supporting you as you sit, the texture of your clothes on your arm, or fullness in your stomach after you’ve eaten.  If needed, shift around a little (e.g. rub your fingers on the arm of your chair) to help you sense.

2 – Smell/Taste:

Now, notice 2 odors, smells, or a taste in your mouth. This one may be tough to define, but just notice what your mouth and nose notices.

 1 – Gratitude:

And as closure, name for yourself one thing you are grateful for. What you are grateful can be large or small. For example, you might be grateful for something you saw/heard/felt/smelled/tasted, for this exercise, or simply for being alive today.