Eating, Weight, and Body Image Issues

Are you tired of being consumed by thoughts of food? Are you constantly counting calories, just to fall off the wagon and never consistently loose weight? Are you tired of hating your body? Emotional eating and body image issues are difficult to solve without help because you must have food to survive. Abstinence isn’t an option. You can find your way to healthy eating and learn to feel good about yourself.

  • Your eating feels out of control. You eat when you’re stressed, sad, bored, or lonely.
  • You eat when you are not hungry or beyond full. Rather that using food for fuel, you find that you use food mindlessly, as a distraction, or as a comfort.
  • You struggle with your weight. You feel bad about your body, and those feelings haunt you. It seems you can’t be happy until you lose weight or look different, and you feel like a failure because you can’t create the body you want.
  • You find yourself in a “diet, overeat, feel bad, diet” loop. You regularly make promises to yourself that you don’t keep, and you’re really hard on yourself when you fail.
  • You hide your eating. You try to hide your eating from others so they won’t find out.
If the above statements resonate for you, I understand your struggle as I have been there myself. I know how painful that place can be. You’ve probably tried a number of things to change your patterns with food.

Fortunately, there is hope. You can learn to have a healthy, relaxed relationship with food and your body. Counseling can help you develop greater self-acceptance of your body and yourself, which is the cornerstone to changing your relationship with food. You’ll also learn about intuitive eating and how to use your body’s intelligence to guide your eating. We’ll also dismantle your emotional eating by using STDP or EMDR, so your eating will no longer be at the mercy of your emotions.

Schedule an appointment today by phone 805.975.8399, by text, or by e-mail.

If you are unsure if counseling is right for you, I am more than happy to provide a free introductory consultation to answer any questions you might have and to make the process of starting therapy a little easier.